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Radon Public Service Announcements, Testing, and Maps of Radon Zone


The latest updates in radon health risks, how to test for radon, and maps of radon-laden zones in the U.S.

Radon Public Service Announcements, Testing, and Maps of Radon Zones

Build Your Home to be Radon-Resistant!


Keep this in mind if you are planning to build your dream home...It is more cost-effective to include radon-resistant techniques while building a home, rather than installing a radon reduction system in an existing home. Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, according to EPA estimates. So if you have the chance to prevent radon from coming into your home, do it!

Radon-Resistant New Construction

NY State Guide - Protect your kids from Radon!


An easy to understand explanation of the hazards of radon.

NY State Guide - Protect your kids from Radon!

A Citizen's Guide to Radon


This website is the EPA's constantly update resource on radon. It contains a wealth of information about radon, why its dangerous, what its dangers are, and how much is unhealthy. It also gives you access to the latest news about radon testing, reduced radon construction, and other upcoming events involving this dangerous gas.

A Citizen's Guide to Radon

Radon In The Home


Radon (Rn) is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas. Radon is produced when trace amounts of uranium and radium in the soil or rocks decay. The radon gas will then also decay into radioactive solid particles, called radon daughters or radon progenitors. Some of the short-lived radon daughters attach themselves to small particles in the air, which can be inhaled deep into the lungs. The radon daughters may then damage dividing lung cells, possibly resulting in lung cancer. Radon gas is thought to be responsible for 5,000 to 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States.

The major sources of radon are: soil that contains radon-releasing material; water and natural gas that has passed through underground areas containing radon; solar-heating systems that use radon-emitting rocks to store heat; granite rock; and uranium or phosphate mine tailings.

Out-of-doors, radon poses little threat to our health because it is in such a low concentration. Indoors, however, radon can become more concentrated because of the lack of ventilation in homes combined with exhaust fans that draw air. Radon gas can seep into a house through dirt floors, cracks in concrete floors and walls, floor drains, sump pumps, and joints. Radon gas can also accumulate in private wells and be released into the home when water is used. This is normally not a problem for large community water supplies. The level of radon that can build up indoors depends upon the amount of radon in the source material and the rate at which it is removed from the home by ventilation. Homes tested throughout the U.S. show a wide range of radon concentrations.

These quick, inexpensive steps advised by the EPA can be taken to help lower your risks from radon exposure:

Stop smoking and discourage smoking in your home; it may increase the risk of radon exposure.

Spend less time in areas with higher concentrations of radon, such as the basement.

Whenever practical, increase the airflow into and through your house, especially in the basement.

If you home has a crawl space beneath, keep the vents on all sides of the house fully open all year.

There are two commercially-available radon detectors, the charcoal canister and the alpha-track detector. Both of these are exposed to the air in your home for a specific time period and sent to a laboratory for analysis. For additional information about radon, contact the American Lung Association.

This information comes from the Guide to Hazardous Products Around the Home, part of the HouseHold Hazardous Waste Project in Missouri.

Infiltec Radon Mitigation Assistance


If you can't find a solution to your radon mitigation or air leakage measurement and control problem here, you can't find it anywhere.

Infiltec Radon Mitigation

EPA Finds NEHA-NRPP Credentials As Successfully...


EPA finds NEHA-NRPP credentials as successfully satisfying Equivalency criteria.

After a thorough review of program documents submitted by the Neha-Nrpp offices, The EPA’s Office of indoor environments issued a congratulatory letter to NEHA on having developed a program that is not only consistent with the us EPA’s Former National Radon Proficiency Program, But also one that has built upon and gone beyond their former Program. The NEHA website is updated daily. New services and educational courses are first announced on the web. Most of next quarters objectives is to establish a bulletin board service to facilitate discussions amongst certified individuals, as well as to provide input to various NEHA Boards.

NEHA NRPP Administrative offices Phone: 1-800-269-4174 Fax: 719-632-9607 Email: Web: or

National Environmental Health Association

Radon in Earth, Air, and Water, Your USGS Guide


Our USGS, The United States Geological Survey, information on radon

USGS Geology of Radon

The National Environmental Health Association


The National Radon Proficiency Program

The National Radon Proficiency Program

U.S. Surgeon General Information on Radon


National Safety Council and Surgeon General Information on Radon

U.S. Surgeon General Information on Radon

Radon - Frequently Asked Questions


What is Radon and where does it come from? What are the health effects of Radon?

Frequently Asked Radon Questions

Uranium - U238 Decay Chain


For the scientists among us, Radon decays in 3.82 days.

Uranium-238 Decay Chain