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The Mia Foundation takes in dozens of animals born with deformities with the goal of giving them a chance at a life.
Why Us?
Jim Salmon and Professional Home Inspection Services
Why Us??
The on-site report! No waiting!
Our clients say, "Having Professional Home Inspection Services do our home inspection was the best decision we could have made!"
We represent our clients best interests in mind! We are not swayed by the real estate transaction and have no interest in it.
Fast one day service!
The realtors and lawyers say, "This is the most thorough and complete report available in Monroe County."
New York State licensed home inspector.
Put us to work for you! Call today for quotes and information! 585-589-5650.
Traci & Alex - The HRC Sept 16, 2018
THEY MADE IT! Check out Sept. 4, 2018, 'Espresso & Clover'