Phone: 585-589-5650

Home Inspection Contact Email: [email protected]

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P. O. Box 187
Albion, New York 14411

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The Mia Foundation

The Mia Foundation takes in dozens of animals born with deformities with the goal of giving them a chance at a life. 

What is radon?  

Here are the basics about radon:

Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the soil.   It is colorless and odorless.

Radon comes from the natural breakdown of the uranium found in most rocks and soils.

Any home, new or old, can have a radon problem.

Radon levels can vary from house to house.

The EPA recommended Action Level is 4.0 pCi/l.   This means that if you have a radon test at your home and the levels come back higher than 4.0 pCi/l you should seriously consider installing a mitigation system at your home.  Mitigation systems average $800-$1200.00.

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, exceeded only by smoking.

If you've never had a radon test at your home we encourage you to do so.  Call our office at 585-589-5650 to schedule your radon test!

The radon test (2 canisters) must remain in the home under “closed house conditions”, generally in a basement with windows closed, for a minimum of 48 hours. We will make arrangements to return to the house and pick up the tests, we then send them to the lab, and we usually get the results emailed to us within a few days, which we immediately email to you.  We will follow up with a telephone call to you and will mail the "hard copy" of the results.  The rate for radon testing only is $225.00 in Monroe, Orleans or Genesee County, if scheduled with a Full Home Inspection the fee is $185.00.  For pricing in other counties please call our office!