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Home Inspection Contact Email: [email protected]

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P. O. Box 187
Albion, New York 14411

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The Mia Foundation takes in dozens of animals born with deformities with the goal of giving them a chance at a life. 

What Exactly is a Home Inspection,
and Why Would I Need One?

A home inspection is a visible inspection of the home you are about to purchase from top to bottom. The primary purpose is to discover major defects prior to closing.  Jim's many years of inspecting has earned him so much experience and knowledge in all kinds of houses and buildings. Therefore, he can give you quality information so you know the condition of the house you may be purchasing. 

The inspection includes all or more of the following: Structure and foundation, insulation, ventilation, heating, cooling, electrical, roofing, gutters, walls, floors, windows, ceilings, basement, attic, chimneys, appliances, washer, dryer, drainage and grading, and the quality, condition and life expectancy of all systems.

What you should know about Jim Salmon Home Inspection  - click to listen 

From Jim Salmon why you should choose him - click to listen
JIm Salmon will give you a true unbiased opinion on the house you're purchasing

Jim will provide a thorough home inspection for you!

Click to listen from a caller to the Home Repair Clinic about Jim Salmon's inspections!
Jim Salmon is duly licensed under NY State Law to perform Home Inspections.

Is it important that the home inspector be licensed?
Yes. It is New York State law that every home inspector be licensed to perform home inspections.

Jim will address safety issues.
You will be given a 15-20 page inspection report at the end of the home inspection. Included in this report are maintenance tips and cost estimates for needed home repairs. The home inspection can take anywhere from 2-3 hours and Jim Salmon will go over the whole report with you at the end.

It is extremely beneficial for our client to attend the inspection. 
Any questions can be addressed at that time. The report will be given that day.

Jim Salmon is Rochester’s most recognized Home Inspector. 
When you call to schedule your home inspection you will be speaking with an actual person, not a call center.

We provide service to all of Rochester and Western New York including: Monroe, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Livingston, Ontario, Wayne, Niagara, Erie, Allegany, Seneca, Steuben and Yates County. Some prices may be subject to additional county charges.


Inspection Prices


**ALL prices subject to additional county charges - Prices quoted are for properties within Monroe (including Rochester), Genesee & Orleans County**
call our office for details 585-589-5650

0 to 2000 square feet
2001 to 3000 square feet
3001 to 4000 square feet
4001 to 5000 square feet
5001 to 6000 square feet
6001 to 7000 square feet

For Multi-Family homes add $50 per unit to the basic square foot rate



**Prices subject to additional county charges - Prices quoted are for properties within Monroe, Genesee & Orleans County **
call our office for details 585-589-5650

Radon Tests
$185 w/ Inspection
$225 w/o Inspection
Septic Testing
$100 w/ Inspection
Barns and Outbuildings 24'x24' example

              Pole barn 32'x40' 

       Large - horse barns apx.                         100'x200'

$100 w/ Inspection

        $150  w/inspection


Partial Home Inspections
(single item) verbal only
i.e.roof, basement, etc.
Water Testing
Click here for pricing
Court Testimony
Call for pricing
Workmanship Investigations
Call for pricing
Large Commercial Buildings and Apartments
Call for pricing

Find out about workmanship investigations click here


The Truth About Home Inspector Referrals


What's Wrong With A Real Estate Agent Recommending A Particular Home Inspector To A Prospective Home Buyer? 
Most real estate agencies work on an average commission of 6% paid by the seller of the property. On a house selling for $350,000 there is a potential commission of $21,000. Sometimes a selling agent will recommend particular home inspectors to a prospective buyer; sometimes a list of three home inspection services is given. Who are these recommended inspectors? How did they "qualify" to get on the "approved" list of the agent? Is the agent recommending a thorough, non-biased inspection service or is the agent recommending someone who will help protect the potential $21,000 commission? Unfortunately, some real estate agents view a thorough and non-biased home inspection as a threat to their sales commission.

Shouldn't a prospective homebuyer have the right to use an inspector of their own choosing? 
If a real estate agent tells you that you cannot use an inspector of your choosing, or insists that you use one of their "recommended" or "approved" inspectors, you should contact your attorney. (You should also wonder why they don't want you using an independent inspector of your choosing.) A real estate broker or sales agent who tries to get you to use a home inspection service of the agent's choice is trying to control the home inspector selection process. Prospective home buyers must keep in mind that real estate agents who receive a commission from the property seller are working in the best interest of their client (the seller). As the prospective home buyer, shouldn't the home inspector you're paying for be working in your best interest?

What Is A "Deal Killer?” 
The derogatory phrase "deal killer" is often used by real estate agents to describe independent home inspectors who give buyers objective information in a home inspection report, which may lead the buyer to renegotiate or to look at other properties. Many real estate agents view independent home inspectors as a challenge to their ability to generate income. They view these "deal killers" as foes and will use a number of tactics to control the inspector selection process to make sure that the prospective buyers do not retain independent home inspectors.

How Does A Real Estate Agent Control The Inspector Selection Process? 
There are many tactics used, some subtle and some not so subtle. The agent may discourage the potential buyer from using a certain inspector by making comments like: "That inspector is a deal killer", or "that inspector takes too long" or "we've had trouble with that inspector" or "we don't allow that inspector to inspect any of our listed properties" or "that inspector is too expensive." A twist on the fee tactic is to advise the prospective buyer that they should expect a home inspector to charge around $150 or $200. By advising homebuyers to expect these low (unrealistic) fees, agents are trying to steer homebuyers to certain inspection services because the prospective homebuyers might limit their search to the arbitrary price range set by the real estate agent. The tactics used to encourage a prospective buyer to use a particular inspector include: "We've had good luck with this inspector" or "this inspector has the lowest fee" or "we use this inspector all the time" or "this inspector can schedule an inspection on a day's notice" or "this inspector only takes an hour and he gives you a report right on the spot." For instance, in the first stage of discussion about having the home inspected, the real estate agent may recommend to the buyer a "good" home inspector with whom they have worked with for several years. Some agents may have a list of three inspectors who have been carefully screened not to be deal killers. The list, however, will be long enough to protect the agent from any referral liability should the buyer want to blame the agent for any inspection mistakes. This gives the agent the perfect combination of: A) No liability for the referral; B) The buyer "chooses" an inspector the agent prefers; and C) The buyer's choice is limited to home inspectors who will not hurt the sale.

If There Is A Potential Conflict Of Interest With Sales Agents Recommending Home Inspectors, Why Doesn't The Government Do Something About It? 
A home inspector licensing law has been passed in Massachusetts and became effective May, 2001. This law, to some degree, does address the potential conflict of interest of real estate agents referring home inspectors. The new law amends Chapter 112 section 87YY of the MA Real Estate Broker and Salesperson Licensing Law. It prohibits real estate brokers and salespersons from directly recommending a specific home inspection company or home inspector. Instead, upon request, the agents must provide a complete list of licensed home inspectors prepared by the Board of Home Inspectors. (So far, MA is the only state which has this provision. New York has not passed this provision). The prohibition does not apply if there is a written agreement between the buyer and real estate broker that the broker is acting exclusively for the buyer as a buyer's broker. Potential buyers must still be aware that regardless of who the real estate agent claims to be working for, his or her commission is still coming from the successful closing of the sales transaction.

Why Don't I Read About This Conflict Of Interest Situation In The Newspaper? 
Very simple answer: money! Look at the real estate section of any local or regional newspaper: lots of houses being advertised by real estate agents. Those newspapers don't run those ads for free. How many home inspector advertisements do you see in the newspapers? Almost none. Do you think a newspaper is going to bite the hand that helps feed it?

Why Don't Home Inspectors Organize And Change The Current Control Real Estate Agents Have Over The Inspector Selection Process? 
You would think inspectors would want consumers to have a free choice when it comes to selecting a home inspector. Unfortunately, many inspectors rely upon real estate agents to steer clients their way. This is especially true for large inspection firms with multiple inspectors. There are some home inspector web sites that have over 3,000 inspectors listed. As you can see from the number of Independent Inspectors listed on this site, less than 2% of all home inspectors claim that they do not solicit real estate agents for client leads. In a free marketplace, companies that offer a poor product or provide a poor service eventually go out of business. In the world of home inspection, there is an artificial marketplace controlled by real estate agents. This allows some "agent friendly" inspectors to stay in business, regardless of their inspection abilities.

What About Inspectors Who Claim To Be Independent, But Don't Belong To IHINA? 
Many inspectors who claim to be independent are not willing to sign the IHINA pledge. An inspector who claims to have no real estate agent affiliations doesn't necessarily mean they do not solicit real estate agents for client leads. The best way to qualify the relationship is to ask the inspector whether he or she solicits real estate agents for client leads. If you find that the inspector or inspection company maintains brochures in real estate offices or if the inspector or inspection company is on the real estate agent's "recommended" list given out to prospective buyers, it should tell you something.

Why Doesn't The American Society Of Home Inspectors (ASHI) Code Of Ethics Prohibit ASHI Inspectors From Soliciting Real Estate Agents For Client Leads? 
Good Question! This question has been raised and discussed with ASHI National. The response has been that ASHI does not want to dictate to its members how they should obtain their client leads. However, ASHI embarked on a "branding" campaign spending millions of membership dollars to educate real estate agents that they should refer only ASHI inspectors. This is unfortunate for the home buying consumer. The following paragraph has been taken directly from the ASHI web site: "ASHI is your professional partner for home inspections. Your customers rely on you for your advice on which service professionals to use in the buying or selling process. You can trust that ASHI inspectors will deliver exceptional service and expert knowledge, enabling smart decisions and peace of mind to your customers, thus helping you in your role as a trusted resource." Do you want an inspector who "helps" the real estate agent earn a commission or do you want an inspector who is going to fully disclose the condition of the house?

What Can Be Done To Prevent This Potential Conflict Of Interest? 
Contact the Representatives and Senators of your own state. Send them e-mail with a link to the: Independent Home Inspectors of North America website. Do not ask the real estate agent for the name of an inspector. Do not accept any short list or recommendations from the agent. If the state you're buying in requires home inspectors to be licensed, obtain the list of licensed inspectors. Do a little research and choose your own inspector. The best source for referrals will come from people who do not have a vested interest in the sale. This includes your attorney and past clients of the inspector. Remember, it's your money and your potential future home. Choose your home inspector wisely!