Eco-friendly roofs increase your homes energy efficiency. Metal roofs have been found to save homeowners up to 25% off of their heating and cooling bills each year. As a result, more than 11% of homeowners today have a metal roof. 

In addition to saving you money, metal roofs save the enviroment. How? Simple - metal roofing is 100% recyclable at the end of its life. It's not taking up room at your landfill; it's used for scrap - much like your vehicle, refrigerator, and even your washing machine. All steel roofing is 25% recycled. 

Metal roof styles include tiles, shakes and slate. The average life-span of a stone-coated steel roof versus asphalt shingles, is 2-3 times longer! 

The Metal Roof Outlet - visit their website by clicking on the banner above. And don't forget you can always call for answers to your questions, and request a quote! Call (585)703-4982.



1513 Empire Blvd., Webster, NY 14580 