Are you ready to upgrade your kitchen? Do you want it completed before the holidays? Call Empire Fabricators today! They are Rochester's countertop specialists! 

Empire Fabricators offers, at an affordable price, several options for new kitchen countertops. These selections include granite and corian. There are several steps in selection and installation of your new countertops. These steps include templating, fabrication, tear out and installation. 

Empire Fabricators has a full showroom located at 95 Saginaw Drive in Rochester. If you're not certain in the style of countertop, stop by their showroom. 


They are open Monday-Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm and Saturday from 8:00am - Noon. 

Click on the banner below to visit their website:

95 Saginaw Drive
Rochester NY 14623
(585) 235-3050