It's Time For a Stove From Big Ash Fireplace & Stoves!
If a beautiful gas fireplace isn't your style don't worry, visit Big Ash Fireplace & Stove online or in person and find the style that fits for you. They have an amazing number of choices from gas to wood to electric and many of each. We promise, you'll find one you'll fall in love with. Once it's installed in your home you will be so warm and comfortable you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner!
Big Ash Chimney Sweeps will provide professional service to install, inspect, sweep and maintain your wood, gas, pellet, free standing stoves, inserts, fireplaces, chimneys and more…
Look at their Pellet Stoves Here
Look at their Wood Stoves Here
Look at their Coal Stoves Here
3570 Fancher Road
Holley, NY 14470
Telephone: 585-638-0300