Phone: 585-589-5650

Home Inspection Contact Email: [email protected]

 Donate to your local fire dept & animal shelter help keep them going!

Power Line Failure in Barre!

Power Line Failure 2nd Video!


The Salmon Children’s Foundation
P. O. Box 187
Albion, New York 14411

Social Media

The Mia Foundation

The Mia Foundation takes in dozens of animals born with deformities with the goal of giving them a chance at a life. 

Are you thinking about getting an adorable new kitty?  The SPCA (click on the link to see these and other tips) has some things to consider to help you make a well thought out decision.  

Do I have time for a cat?
Cats don’t demand a lot of attention, but they also cannot be left alone for long periods of time.
Are there any health issues I have that would be exacerbated by having a cat?
Allergies to cat hair and dander are actually very common. 
Can I put up with upkeep required?
Cats are fairly low maintenance and clean animals, but you do need to prepare yourself for certain realities. There’s the litter box, which will have some odor, and require regular cleaning.

We like to share all kinds of tips and advice with you.  We figure when one person knows about a fantastic place to shop or a great group of employees that go above and beyond, well, that person should share the information with others!  Everyone should benefit!  That's how we feel about Rochester Appliance!!

It's almost irrelevant what appliance you are looking for because we can almost guarantee that Rochester Appliance has them all!  Their inventory is unbelievable.   Be sure to check out their website if you can't get right over to Rochester Appliance at 900 Jefferson Road in Henrietta.  



We wouldn't lead you astray!  Rochester Appliance is THE place to go for...whatever appliance you need!

900 Jefferson Road
Henrietta, NY 14623

Ray Sands Glass shares some very important information about the dangers caused by cracks on windshields.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to bring your car in ASAP if you happen to get a crack on your windshield. Here are some dangers associated with cracked windshields that can prove to you how dangerous, and even life threatening, it is to put repairs aside:

Increased likeliness and seriousness of injuries if you are to get into an accident.
Ineffective airbags
Higher chance of ejection from accident impact
Decreased structural ability of your whole vehicle

These are the experts.  Trust Them.

To learn more about Ray Sands Glass or about windshield chips and cracks CLICK HERE.

3315 Chili Ave
Rochester, NY 14624
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Saturdays by Appt.
Tel: (585) 889-2876
(888) 889-2876
[email protected]

ReHouse Architectural Salvage strives to better the environment by reusing antique, vintage, and modern building materials that would have otherwise gone to the landfill. 


You will be sure to find items that fit your personal decorating style at ReHouse!  

We love browsing the store, check it out, you'll love it too!

ReHouse Architectural Salvage

469 W Ridge Rd. 
Rochester, NY 14615 

Purchase the new Salmon Ranch Trail Dust Rub or Salmon Ranch Cherry Bourbon BBQ Sauce at any of these locations!

Food Towne Market 4390 Buffalo Road, North Chili, N.Y. 14514

Skips on the Ridge 640 W Ridge Road Rochester, New York, 14615

Hegedorn's Market 964 Ridge Rd. Webster NY 14580

Palmers Direct to You Market 900 Jefferson Rd. Suite 1000 Rochester NY 14623

Amans Farm Market 2458 East Ridge Rd. Rochester NY 14622

Triano's 620 Stone Road, Rochester, N.Y. 14616

Niblack Foods  900 Jefferson Road Bldg. 6, Rochester, N.Y. 14623

Finger Lakes Cannabis Co. 5 Railroad St. Victor NY 145

The Coffee Joint 59 North Main St. Albion, N.Y. 14411

Save A Lot  Albion Foods 318 West Ave. Albion, N.Y. 14411

         and soon coming to more local businesses!


Be sure to pick up a few extra for gift giving

So many families are no longer documenting their history by having a family portrait taken, that's sad.  Equally sad is the fact that almost everyone has old family photos that are deteriorating.  When those portraits deteriorate you can't just pull up a file of 30,000 others.  This is where Photos by Bruce & Associates comes in. If you have old portraits that are torn, ripped or otherwise damaged bring them to Bruce and Associates.  They can duplicate and restore them to their former beauty.  

Click Here To See Restorations Done By Bruce and Associates

Bruce Landis is a Certified Professional Photographer and Professional Photographers of America Craftsman Photographer. 

Phone: 585-589-9109
Text: 585-589-9114
E-Mail: [email protected]
13382 Ridge Road West
Albion, New York 14411

Your home is most likely your biggest investment.  It's an investment that pays you back when you need it.  

Click on either link below to get information on the loan type you are interested in. 



1975 Buffalo Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Telephone: 585-454-5900

No one ever anticipates a loss to their property so when a tragedy does occur one is never prepared.

In the event of a loss to your property notify your insurance company. Then call National Fire Adjustment Co.

In the event of fire, flood, theft or any other type of disaster National Fire Adjustment Co. will review your insurance policy and work with your insurance company. Your adjuster will advocate for what is in your best interest. They work for you not for the insurance company.


"Knowing what is included and excluded within your policy is key in understanding what you are and are not covered for when it comes to recovery."

Visit National Fire Adjustment Co. by clicking on the banner at the beginning or end of this article!