Phone: 585-589-5650

Home Inspection Contact Email: [email protected]

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Power Line Failure in Barre!

Power Line Failure 2nd Video!


The Salmon Children’s Foundation
P. O. Box 187
Albion, New York 14411

Social Media

The Mia Foundation

The Mia Foundation takes in dozens of animals born with deformities with the goal of giving them a chance at a life. 



So now we're in November already, how time flies! So much happening this month. The election is a biggie! Let's pray it goes the right way.    

Of course, Thanksgiving, family gathers together, friends reunite. Lots of delicious food! What do you miss of Thanksgivings past? Obviously, it is a day or time to reflect and be thankful for what you have in your life. A lot changes, but keeping traditional things are important.  

Many traditions especially the meal; turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, pumpkin pie, the main items. Variations of these but the most important is to surround yourself with people that mean a lot to you. All the planning and preparing can get overwhelming, try not to get stressed! Also, keep those less fortunate or will be alone, in mind, invite them over, bring a meal to them, spend time listening to their stories. It may seem time consuming or insignificant but to them it could mean the world.  Just try to enjoy.

Ok, so now home repair, what still needs done? Replace your smoke/CO detectors?  Clean and put away lawn furniture. Have your mower picked up for service and storage. Get out the snow brushes and put into the cars. Find the snow shovels, get the snowblower all ready to go. Dig out the heavy coats & boots, gloves, hats.

Hopefully, you've had your furnace serviced since it's been on for about a month! If not, make the call to Crossfield Heating & Cooling 585-872-4420. Certainly don't want it to quit during the coldest days of winter.

Did you get tree damage during our rain & wind storms? Some people got hail in their area. The trees take a beating for sure, branches snap off, limbs fall down, sometimes the entire tree comes down. All of this damages the foundation of the tree for future growth too. Call Exteme Tree & Landscape to have them evaluate the condition of your trees. They have high tech equipment that can trim or remove branches. In some cases for safety, the entire tree may need to be taken down. Also, they can check for disease that is slowly destroying the trees, in which case removal may be the best option. Extreme Tree will try to save the trees first, though.

As we said, Exteme Tree has high tech equipment, it is fun to watch how they work! One of their trucks has a big 'arm' that can reach over your house and yard to get to the trees they need to cut. And it's done by remote control! Why? It's the safest way! Safety is their number one priority! Safe for you, your yard, house, trees, and their employees!  Contact them at 585-734-2420 and visit their website click the banner



Your vehicle cost a few bucks didn't it? Winter is coming, protect your investment and take it to Corrosion Pro Plus! They have a product, Waxoyl, that they apply to coat your vehicle from rust. It's a one time application that is guaranteed for 10 years by Corrosion Pro Plus! 10 years! Who does that? They believe so strongly in this product-it is the best out there! Owner, Jim Connolly has been in the automobile business for over 30 years, he's seen a lot of products come and go, as well as a lot of 'empty' promises about the latest gimmick. Waxoyl has won him over!  

At Corrosion Pro Plus they truly care about your vehicle, people bring their antique cars to them! You know the passion they have, they're not going to allow just anyone to work on their valuable cars. You can be sure you're taking your vehicle to the right place!  A local business. And Tom is very detailed in his work, just the person you want!

Corrosion Pro Plus

1897  Brighton-Henrietta Townline Road,

Rochester, N.Y. 14623 


Now with colder weather coming, what kind of condition is your furnace in? When was the last time you had it serviced? Is it even safe to run? Find out, call Crossfield Heating & Air Conditioning, get a service and cleaning done. They can also let you know the probable life expectancy of your furnace. It may be time for you to do some research about furnaces! The professionals at Crossfield can explain the various systems and the efficiency of the new units. Crossfield Heating & Air Conditioning have been in business for over 30 years! They have a great reputation and a longevity to be proud of. The technicians at Crossfield are experienced and knowledgeable to solve any issue that comes up! You won't be a number, they'll answer your questions and concerns to set your mind at ease.

Call 585-872-4420 day or night if you have 'no heat'.  Their goal is for you to be safe and comfortable.


A lot of our companies we are fortunate to represent are locally owned businesses. It is so important to patronize local rather than national big brother companies. We like the attention that 'small' businesses give to their customers. 

Spruce up your house with a beautiful wood floor from Harman Hardwood Flooring! You can go to their store and view their wide selection of various woods to choose the special one you love! Wood floors add so much to a home, many woods are very durable and have a clean look! 

Harmon Hardwood Flooring 

29 Hebard St. Rochester, N.Y. 14605 


click banner to visit their website


November 3, 2024

Do you love antiques? 

Your hobby is crafting and repurposing items?

You appreciate the way things used to be built? Furniture, doors, windows, etc.

You enjoy other people's talent?

Looking for unusual gifts?

Then you must go to REHOUSE Architectural Store! You could easily spend hours walking around checking out all the unique items they have acquired and saved from going to the landfill.


469 Ridge Road, Rochester, N.Y. 14615

Looking for an eye-catching way to advertise your business? Jim took his truck - Big Red - to Vital Signs. He wasn't sure what exactly he was looking for so the experts at Vital Signs created some options, it was a tough decision but this is the design he went for! Loves it - immediately the idea comes to mind when you see the tools! He also has his home inspection information included;

So, from his own experience with Vital Signs, their craftsmanship, ingenuity, experience, vision. Jim recommends Vital Signs!  Just go visit them, talk about what you'd like and let them create!  

Vital Signs   585-787-4256

764 Ridge Road, Webster, N.Y. 14580 


Are you tired of spending so much time & money preparing and painting your house? The prep work alone is so tedious and time-consuming it drives you crazy! You're not fond of being up on that ladder, then having to get down, back up with moving it, again and again. Dropping the paint can that spills all over, that was pretty expensive paint which is now the color of your grass and sidewalk!  Having to go back to the paint store to get more and hope the mix is the right color, plus paying for something you already paid for!

With one phone call 585-248-3240 you can have Vekton Corp. take a look at your house, give you an estimate and they can get the house sided in just a few days! Looking better than it's ever looked! So very much easier! No stress on you.

Vekton Corp. 1829 Penfield Road, Penfield, N.Y. 14526 

Have to start thinking about Christmas and buying gifts.

Advantage Federal Credit Union has money options!

One thing you could do is open an account for your student!

Advantage FCU is a strong believer in supporting kids to learn to save money. 

Advantage also has scholarships available to help with their college expenses!

It may not be electronics or exciting right now to your student but once the balance keeps increasing they will be very excited!

Learning to save is a smart plan.